Joshua Wong
BEng(Hons) CPEng IntPE (NZ) CMEngNZ
Position: Director/Structural Engineer (Chartered Professional Engineer)
Joshua Wong is the founder of Cephas Rock Limited. He has worked in the engineering industry since 2001. Apart from structural engineering, while he worked overseas, he has had experience in sewage treatment and industrial waste water treatment.
Joshua was very fortunate to have part of his apprenticeship under the “legendary structural engineer” Arthur Tyndall during the early part of his career. Through that, he built up a vast amount of experience in complex engineering problem solving.
He enjoys spending time with his family and for that reason he started the business and worked from home from 2010-2017.
Joshua is in charge of the operation of the whole company. Apart from that, he is also the head of technical, whereby he provides training as well as supervision for subordinate engineers.
Joshua enjoys architectural home design the most, to date, he has designed more than 250 houses; ranging from standard homes to high end properties. Joshua’s ultimate goal is to bring Cephas Rock to a multi discipline and multinational firm. His philosophy is to adopt a system for his company management and his engineer work. He believes that using the right professional people on the right job is the key to achieve best results; hence he does not hesitate to engage external consultants on IT, accounting, software and other professional engineers, he is not a fan of D.I.Y. He believes that only a top professional person can produce top quality work.